Doctor Love’s Zinger Vibrating Cock Cage-Blue


Can we interest you in a great little tool that’ll make sex feel even better for both of you? Extra user-friendly and extra portable for lots of fun at home or away, Dr. Love’s Zinger adds a bit of sexy support plus tons of tingly, teasing vibration. We’re pretty sure no one will be complaining about that!

Stretching easily over the shaft, the Zinger holds steady thanks to a stretchy support strap looped around the back of the balls. That sexy constriction effect around his scrotum, not to mention the snugness around the shaft team up to help slow ejaculation. Meanwhile, a supercharged little bullet vibes up top buzzes and throbs in the path of a partner’s external sweet spots. Vibration powers on with the touch of a button.

13 in stock

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